Friday, April 8, 2011

American Idol, Pia and the Buzz

I knew there would be a lot of buzz today about Pia getting voted off Idol last night.. well, more than a lot.

I just read a few blogs on this, but this one made me head over here to blog.. and fast.

A voting problem? Well, I can't say there isn't, but in my opinion, America may have gotten it right again last night. At this point in the game, the weaker contestants will be gone 1-2-3. That's what happened to Thia and Naima last week. America got it right. Thia was just getting eaten up by the show and the competition. In her case, her age got her and Naima just wasn't a "fit" for the show and I think a lot of the viewing population didn't "get her." I did, but 40 somethings are not a large population of viewers. Would I have loved to see her win or get farther? Sure. But was she one of the best singers, no.

I do have to say that last night was a surprise for me, as Pia was destined to win the thing. I mean, look at her. Perfect body, perfect voice, singing since she was four, comfortable on stage, articulate and great fashion sense. Here's what I think happened.. and it's what the judges always say.. song choice, song choice, song choice.

Last week's theme was "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." She had hundreds of songs to choose from. But what does she choose? A Tina Turner song that even I wasn't familiar with, "River Deep - Mountain High." She sounded great, but it was boring. She didn't do anything with it, not many people knew the song (except maybe Randy) and I knew she'd be in the bottom three the next day. Was I the only one?

Here's Tina's version:

Fast forward to last night, it wasn't a huge surprise to me that she was in the bottom three with that song. The deal with this season is at least they found really talented singers, but now they are stuck with ALL of them being amazing. There are some that stick out as "better," but it's all about the song choice and if they end up having a good night that night, or if they're not sick, or "_______." At this point, unfortunately, it will be a popularity contest. We've already been warned (as we are every season, every week) to be sure to vote for your favorite as no one is safe--no one.

I now feel like I'm getting a small glimpse into Simon Cowell's mind and really seeing his reasoning on choosing some people over others during try outs and in Hollywood Week. In past seasons, it's been obvious that there were amazing singers that didn't get picked and we all wondered why.. well.. we now have the answer, or at least one.

I think Simon was always looking at the show, numbers and what would have people continue to tune in. He was looking at the big picture. We may not like that context, but in the end, this is a TV show. With the new judges, minus Simon, their context was finding the best singer. Was this wrong? No. But their view was smaller. I don't think they were looking at the show.. they were focusing on the kids and getting them a record contract.

Good or bad, we are now "stuck" with 8 extraordinary singers. I love hearing each of them sing and finding out what they will bring to the table with arrangements, but as we move farther along in the show, I think they all may be a bit tentative in bringing uniqueness to their performances. Why? They'll want to play it safe. All of them know any of them could win this. If Pia got voted off, anyone can. Especially since deep down inside, I think each of them knew that Pia would win it all.

I was waiting last night for someone to give up their spot. It's never happened before. But in this case, one of them should have. You can't tell me that Jacob or Paul, for example, think they can win this on vocal ability. Don't get me wrong, their voices are unique, but they are not American Idol winners (sorry to those that are huge fans). I'm a huge Casey fan, but he would be the one I could see giving up his spot. He already almost left the show, he was feeling guilty that the save was used on him, it would have been perfect TV.

In the end, he was going on tour anyway, he'll have a record contract either way and he would have left as a name that no one would forget as he gave up his spot for the better hopeful. Just perfect.

But that didn't happen.

I'm wondering what the producers are saying right now. Ironically, I just went to the American Idol website and they don't have the banner on Pia's picture that says "voted off." Makes a girl wonder.

Many have said there's a major issue with the voting process on the show including the blog link I shared above. You can vote a number of ways and as many times as you want pretty much. There's people who are haters of the show who have a contest where they vote for the WORST singer to see if they can stay on the show. Although there will always be those people, if there was a limit on how many times you could vote (other shows have that rule in place) I think it would end up a bit more fair and accurate.

But for now, there's no way they will change any voting structure until next season. It wouldn't be fair to the past contestants and it would show some sort of "failure" with the Idol voting process in general. And we wouldn't want to show the reality of this on a REALITY SHOW would we?? Wow, do I smell lawsuit on that one.

So in the end, I'm shocked, but not floored about the Pia departure. The song wasn't the best choice, she veered away from what she does best (ballads) and got sucked into what the judges kept telling her. What she should have listened to was America and their fast fingers. All those other weeks she was in the game, then she changes it up and she's gone.

To the other contestants, I say this: "Follow your heart and gut. You know what's right."

Needless to say, the show has an interesting twist starting next week and for that alone, people will continue to watch. Oh the drama! American Idol, how I love you!