We should be getting a call this week to have the countertops installed! They were measured last week, and we're looking forward to having our kitchen surface back and appliances in use within a week! Microwave is installed and working amazing!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Here's some of the latest. As I thought, once the rails were put up, we'd go pretty fast.

We should be getting a call this week to have the countertops installed! They were measured last week, and we're looking forward to having our kitchen surface back and appliances in use within a week! Microwave is installed and working amazing!
We should be getting a call this week to have the countertops installed! They were measured last week, and we're looking forward to having our kitchen surface back and appliances in use within a week! Microwave is installed and working amazing!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tons to say
For whatever reason, I just realized that I have a lot to say. I need to post some new pics of the kitchen, as it's growing into what looks like a real kitchen now daily, but I also have some other goings on that I just wanted to write about. I will more than likely have separate blogs for the items I have in my head now, just to make it easier for people to digest and comment (if you want!).
Here are the things on my mind, in no particular order:
*These "big summer shows" that include 70s and 80s bands, who may or may not have any reason to tour together, other than to bring in tons of cash,
*Getting pregnant,
*Kitchen updates,
*Law school and MySpace,
*What it's been like NOT working and NOT having to look for a job.
For this blog, I will start with the "big summer shows" item, as I just saw yet another alert for one of these shows minutes ago, and I had a reaction.
For those of you that go to numerous shows, or just look at the concert calendar for any major city, you may have been seeing these massive "3 band rock tours" coming your way. I am referring to the examples of: Def Leppard/REO Speedwagon/Styx trainwreck, Poison/Dokken/Sebastian Bach (which I am actually going to and will explain later), and the most recent upset of Journey/Cheap Trick/Heart.
Now, most of the time I have no issue with these types of things if it's for a great cause, such as Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Tour. It also makes sense that she has 80s bands along with her, and even bringing on some no names to show us some new music. It supports the Human Rights Campaign, and it's something I can stand behind. Go Cyndi. She's a badass.
Another example is the show I'm attending--the Poison/Dokken/Sebastian Bach tour. For one, I love 80s metal. Two, I LOVE Sebastian and all his antics. And three, for what I could research, all these bands have the original artists in them. And I'll get more specific, HAVE THE SAME LEAD SINGER. Most of you that know me will know where I'm going here, but read on anyway.
If you take my first example (Def Leppard/REO Speedwagon/Styx trainwreck), this has many issues on first glance. First, WHY IS DEF LEPPARD TOURING WITH REO SPEEDWAGON AND STYX?? Metal and pop?! Now, I know some of you may argue that Def Leppard is pop, as in the 80s they were played on the pop stations, but please. If you put Def Leppard and REO in a room together, you guess who's gonna kick who's asses. But don't get me wrong, I love REO; they are just not metal, and don't belong on this tour.
Second, Styx? Just saying the name of the band pisses me off. For those that don't know, Dennis DeYoung, the "voice of Styx" (oh sorry, I am not allowed to say this per a court order from the band), is NO LONGER IN THE BAND. He sadly left the band initially due to health issues, but from reading updates over the years, there seems to be other, let's just say, "artistic differences" causing problems. And, oh and by the way, he's better now.
I have boycotted seeing them since I saw the "Styx: Behind the Music" on VH1 years back. What is the deal with people kicking the lead singer out of a band that CREATES THE SIGNATURE SOUND? Did I mention that he was also in the band for 39 years?? Can these so-called men act like real men so we can actually enjoy these shows? I've been so mad at this Styx issue since I saw the show that I have NO idea who the lead singer is and haven't even heard him! Sure, Tommy Shaw is kickass, and he has a few hits to his name, but take a look at the singles and you tell me who's the man while viewing this Wiki.
Third, let's talk about my beloved Journey. Look, I'm a child of the 80s and a girl. Journey is the soundtrack of the late 70s and early 80s, and most of us (especially girls), have some sort of sweet memory regarding this band. I have two. The first is "Open Arms" was my first awkward slow dance in middle school in 1983. I danced with Jay, I grew up in that moment, and Steve Perry was there cheering me on. Deal with it.
The second major memory involves stealing my mom's vinyl of "Frontiers," which we tended to argue about where it was constantly. I still laugh that my mom was that cool back then, but I digress.
There's always been a lot of controversy around Journey, it seems. Some say (including Steve) that Neal Schon kicked Steve out of the band; some say, it was Steve's choice. But once again, if you watch "Journey: Behind the Music" on VH1, I say this is a Neal Schon issue. Now, some of you may be saying: "Damn, Kathy. What's with all this drama? Who cares?" Well, I do. Steve is the "voice of Journey." There is no debating that, even if you don't like the band. Steve IS Journey. To not find a way for Steve Perry to be in this band is just plain rude and wrong, seeing that the band is continuing to tour, make albums, and make a ton of money he deserves.
What I also find bizarre is that they have changed lead singers so many times. There has to be a reason. It's like there's a curse on the band or something. I wonder why? (insert sarcasm here)
However, getting back to my "big summer shows" rant, I just found out minutes ago that Journey will be on tour with Cheap Trick and Heart. Wow.
Now, I knew last week that they would tour, as I got an alert on MySpace about the new album. I knew months ago when Neal found this new guy on YouTube (no, I am not making this up), and that they'd be back in the studio. See, Neal had a choice there. Could he maybe call Steve to see if he had a change of heart? I guess not. However, not only is this guy going to be the lead singer, but they are releasing a double-disc exclusively at Wal-Mart (don't get me started on that, we'd be here for hours) with the hits, REDONE BY ARNEL.
The press release regarding this info came from the band one night last week thru a bulletin on MySpace. I have no idea why they chose to accept public comments on this bulletin, but I can tell you 90% of the comments were full of anger and plain WTF? I added my own blurb to maybe get my voice out to the band, or honestly, to Neal. I mean, it's one thing to get a new band member and create new music, fine. But, to blatantly redo the CLASSICS that Steve sang and made into hits?? Blasphemy. I don't care how much this guy sounds like Steve.
Who knows? Maybe the band or the label people who may run their MySpace saw all our comments. Were they afraid that people would boycott the shows due to the choice they made to re-record those classic songs? Who knows? But all I know is that they are now touring with Cheap Trick and Heart.
I heard about the Cheap Trick and Heart announcement (Journey was not mentioned) second-hand from a friend, and almost considered going as I've seen Cheap Trick before and had a blast, but then I got the official announcement from LiveDaily, and my heart sunk.
The thing is they will sell tickets. Most people are not music snobs like I am, and really don't give a rat's A about the drama. But for me, that makes a huge difference. I guess it's about the integrity of a sound and the band.. the sound that I remember and love. For me, it's easier just to put in the CD, reminisce and enjoy it that way. I was lucky enough to see Journey's "Raised on Radio" tour back in the 80s and saw my beloved Steve. Even if it was just once, I get to say I saw Journey--the real Journey.
If you got this far, thanks for reading. I know I can sometimes be a bit snobby when it comes to this stuff, but hey, it's how I feel. I'm not here to tell you what to do, though. If you have tickets for the shows I mentioned, hell, have a great time, but I feel that part of "my job" is to shed light on some of the things that people don't think about. If that changes your mind, great. If it has you research the band more and buy some of the old stuff, perfect. We all have our reasons for listening and attending shows.
For me, if I'm going to spend the money it takes to go to one of these shows, I want the guys that created it from the beginning there (if at all possible). If that's not available, I have a choice.. and I can tell you with Journey and Styx, the concerts will just have to be in my mind for now. Unless they see what they themselves are missing and give us what we want.. someday.
I will never give up hope. Other musical miracles have come to fruition as of late, why not this?
Here are the things on my mind, in no particular order:
*These "big summer shows" that include 70s and 80s bands, who may or may not have any reason to tour together, other than to bring in tons of cash,
*Getting pregnant,
*Kitchen updates,
*Law school and MySpace,
*What it's been like NOT working and NOT having to look for a job.
For this blog, I will start with the "big summer shows" item, as I just saw yet another alert for one of these shows minutes ago, and I had a reaction.
For those of you that go to numerous shows, or just look at the concert calendar for any major city, you may have been seeing these massive "3 band rock tours" coming your way. I am referring to the examples of: Def Leppard/REO Speedwagon/Styx trainwreck, Poison/Dokken/Sebastian Bach (which I am actually going to and will explain later), and the most recent upset of Journey/Cheap Trick/Heart.
Now, most of the time I have no issue with these types of things if it's for a great cause, such as Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Tour. It also makes sense that she has 80s bands along with her, and even bringing on some no names to show us some new music. It supports the Human Rights Campaign, and it's something I can stand behind. Go Cyndi. She's a badass.
Another example is the show I'm attending--the Poison/Dokken/Sebastian Bach tour. For one, I love 80s metal. Two, I LOVE Sebastian and all his antics. And three, for what I could research, all these bands have the original artists in them. And I'll get more specific, HAVE THE SAME LEAD SINGER. Most of you that know me will know where I'm going here, but read on anyway.
If you take my first example (Def Leppard/REO Speedwagon/Styx trainwreck), this has many issues on first glance. First, WHY IS DEF LEPPARD TOURING WITH REO SPEEDWAGON AND STYX?? Metal and pop?! Now, I know some of you may argue that Def Leppard is pop, as in the 80s they were played on the pop stations, but please. If you put Def Leppard and REO in a room together, you guess who's gonna kick who's asses. But don't get me wrong, I love REO; they are just not metal, and don't belong on this tour.
Second, Styx? Just saying the name of the band pisses me off. For those that don't know, Dennis DeYoung, the "voice of Styx" (oh sorry, I am not allowed to say this per a court order from the band), is NO LONGER IN THE BAND. He sadly left the band initially due to health issues, but from reading updates over the years, there seems to be other, let's just say, "artistic differences" causing problems. And, oh and by the way, he's better now.
I have boycotted seeing them since I saw the "Styx: Behind the Music" on VH1 years back. What is the deal with people kicking the lead singer out of a band that CREATES THE SIGNATURE SOUND? Did I mention that he was also in the band for 39 years?? Can these so-called men act like real men so we can actually enjoy these shows? I've been so mad at this Styx issue since I saw the show that I have NO idea who the lead singer is and haven't even heard him! Sure, Tommy Shaw is kickass, and he has a few hits to his name, but take a look at the singles and you tell me who's the man while viewing this Wiki.
Third, let's talk about my beloved Journey. Look, I'm a child of the 80s and a girl. Journey is the soundtrack of the late 70s and early 80s, and most of us (especially girls), have some sort of sweet memory regarding this band. I have two. The first is "Open Arms" was my first awkward slow dance in middle school in 1983. I danced with Jay, I grew up in that moment, and Steve Perry was there cheering me on. Deal with it.
The second major memory involves stealing my mom's vinyl of "Frontiers," which we tended to argue about where it was constantly. I still laugh that my mom was that cool back then, but I digress.
There's always been a lot of controversy around Journey, it seems. Some say (including Steve) that Neal Schon kicked Steve out of the band; some say, it was Steve's choice. But once again, if you watch "Journey: Behind the Music" on VH1, I say this is a Neal Schon issue. Now, some of you may be saying: "Damn, Kathy. What's with all this drama? Who cares?" Well, I do. Steve is the "voice of Journey." There is no debating that, even if you don't like the band. Steve IS Journey. To not find a way for Steve Perry to be in this band is just plain rude and wrong, seeing that the band is continuing to tour, make albums, and make a ton of money he deserves.
What I also find bizarre is that they have changed lead singers so many times. There has to be a reason. It's like there's a curse on the band or something. I wonder why? (insert sarcasm here)
However, getting back to my "big summer shows" rant, I just found out minutes ago that Journey will be on tour with Cheap Trick and Heart. Wow.
Now, I knew last week that they would tour, as I got an alert on MySpace about the new album. I knew months ago when Neal found this new guy on YouTube (no, I am not making this up), and that they'd be back in the studio. See, Neal had a choice there. Could he maybe call Steve to see if he had a change of heart? I guess not. However, not only is this guy going to be the lead singer, but they are releasing a double-disc exclusively at Wal-Mart (don't get me started on that, we'd be here for hours) with the hits, REDONE BY ARNEL.
The press release regarding this info came from the band one night last week thru a bulletin on MySpace. I have no idea why they chose to accept public comments on this bulletin, but I can tell you 90% of the comments were full of anger and plain WTF? I added my own blurb to maybe get my voice out to the band, or honestly, to Neal. I mean, it's one thing to get a new band member and create new music, fine. But, to blatantly redo the CLASSICS that Steve sang and made into hits?? Blasphemy. I don't care how much this guy sounds like Steve.
Who knows? Maybe the band or the label people who may run their MySpace saw all our comments. Were they afraid that people would boycott the shows due to the choice they made to re-record those classic songs? Who knows? But all I know is that they are now touring with Cheap Trick and Heart.
I heard about the Cheap Trick and Heart announcement (Journey was not mentioned) second-hand from a friend, and almost considered going as I've seen Cheap Trick before and had a blast, but then I got the official announcement from LiveDaily, and my heart sunk.
The thing is they will sell tickets. Most people are not music snobs like I am, and really don't give a rat's A about the drama. But for me, that makes a huge difference. I guess it's about the integrity of a sound and the band.. the sound that I remember and love. For me, it's easier just to put in the CD, reminisce and enjoy it that way. I was lucky enough to see Journey's "Raised on Radio" tour back in the 80s and saw my beloved Steve. Even if it was just once, I get to say I saw Journey--the real Journey.
If you got this far, thanks for reading. I know I can sometimes be a bit snobby when it comes to this stuff, but hey, it's how I feel. I'm not here to tell you what to do, though. If you have tickets for the shows I mentioned, hell, have a great time, but I feel that part of "my job" is to shed light on some of the things that people don't think about. If that changes your mind, great. If it has you research the band more and buy some of the old stuff, perfect. We all have our reasons for listening and attending shows.
For me, if I'm going to spend the money it takes to go to one of these shows, I want the guys that created it from the beginning there (if at all possible). If that's not available, I have a choice.. and I can tell you with Journey and Styx, the concerts will just have to be in my mind for now. Unless they see what they themselves are missing and give us what we want.. someday.
I will never give up hope. Other musical miracles have come to fruition as of late, why not this?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Sorry this update has taken so long.. we won't go there :)
But here are the pics!
And for whatever reason I can't put comments above each pic right now, but here is the order of the job that basically speaks for itself.

But here are the pics!
And for whatever reason I can't put comments above each pic right now, but here is the order of the job that basically speaks for itself.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Daryl @ SXSW
I feel like a proud parent, although he could be mine :)

Pic: PA Photos
Daryl Hall Lets His Hair Down at SXSW
The veteran singer plays Hall & Oates and solo material
Mar 13, 2008
A jovial, relaxed Daryl Hall performed lively a set at tonight (March 12) spanning the more than three decades of his career.
In addition to his own solo material, Hall played several classic Hall & Oates tunes including 'Sara Smile' and a reggae version of 'Maneater', which is the way he said his songwriting partner John Oates had originally intended the song to be played.
"It's nice to be here in Austin - it's been way too long," he told the sizeable crowd that had convened to hear him play at the Lone Star Lounge inside the Austin Convention Center.
Hall, who was backed by a full band, also performed his solo song 'Cab Driver', which he told the crowd came to him while waiting for a cab near his second home in London.
Making himself at home on the stage, he quipped, "It's my house and I can do whatever the fuck I want."
NME.COM is bringing you full coverage of SXSW as it happens. Head to the NME SXSW page now for all the latest news, galleries and blogs direct from the festival.

Daryl Hall Lets His Hair Down at SXSW
The veteran singer plays Hall & Oates and solo material
Mar 13, 2008
A jovial, relaxed Daryl Hall performed lively a set at tonight (March 12) spanning the more than three decades of his career.
In addition to his own solo material, Hall played several classic Hall & Oates tunes including 'Sara Smile' and a reggae version of 'Maneater', which is the way he said his songwriting partner John Oates had originally intended the song to be played.
"It's nice to be here in Austin - it's been way too long," he told the sizeable crowd that had convened to hear him play at the Lone Star Lounge inside the Austin Convention Center.
Hall, who was backed by a full band, also performed his solo song 'Cab Driver', which he told the crowd came to him while waiting for a cab near his second home in London.
Making himself at home on the stage, he quipped, "It's my house and I can do whatever the fuck I want."
NME.COM is bringing you full coverage of SXSW as it happens. Head to the NME SXSW page now for all the latest news, galleries and blogs direct from the festival.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My 80s Wishes Keep Coming True!
I usually don't start with a video, but I wanted to give you all a "feel" of this blog :)
I just read this announcement this in my liveDaily newsletter! Did I see this right? YAZ will be touring this summer?!?!!?
I was too young to attend any of their concerts when they were around (1982-84), but I will never forget the day I heard about their first album, "Upstairs at Eric's." I was a sophomore in high school and some of the junior/senior guys ran into the bandhall with this cassette tape wanting everyone to listen to it. I followed them out into the hall and realized this was a HUGE deal as far as music was concerned. I picked up the tape to look at the cover, and it wasn't but a few days after when I bought it myself.
It was so unique, so different, and it was one of the first times I recall finding "new music" before most of my friends. It was also one of the first times I delved into the new genre of alternative music. Although I don't think the genre was officially around at the time (believe it or not, it was labeled Adult Contemporary and/or Club), this wasn't the run of the mill pop music. I still think the songs are as unique as when I heard them, and the memories of both of their albums will remain with me forever.
I'm not sure if I'll head to NYC for this show, but is sure is tempting! I'll keep you posted :)
Yaz reunites for first tour in 25 years
March 5, 2008 07:03 AM
By Tjames Madison
LiveDaily Contributor

Alison Moyet & Vince Clarke--collectively known as Yaz will reunite this summer for the duo's first live dates together in more than 25 years.
The pair, who also have a run of European shows lined up for May and June, will play six US shows during the outing, including two nights each in Los Angeles (7/10-11) and New York City (7/16-17). The trek also includes a July 14 date in Chicago.
More information--including pre-sale dates and the duo's full European itinerary--can be found at group's new official website.
Clarke and Moyet will be supporting "In Your Room," a 4-disc box set, due in May, that includes remastered versions of both of Yaz's original studio albums--1982's "Upstairs at Eric's" and 1983's "You and Me Both"--along with b-sides and remixes, and a DVD featuring several of the pair's music videos along with exclusive interview footage.
"It's been really good going back to these songs after such a long while," Clarke said in a press statement. "Many of them have never been played live. I'm looking forward to performing them with Alison for all the fans who've enjoyed our music through the years but never had a chance to see Yazoo in concert."
The pair first came together in the early '80s after Clarke had left his original act, Depeche Mode. The alliance helped introduce synthesizer-driven pop to the public palette through singles like "Don't Go" and "Situation," both of which reached the No. 1 spot on Billboard's Hot Dance/Disco chart, with the videos for several of the duo's songs achieving heavy rotation on MTV.
The partnership between the two lasted for only two albums and a grand total of 24 concerts before Moyet ended the arrangement to pursue a solo career, debuting with 1984's "Alf." Clarke went on to form another successful duo, Erasure, with singer Andy Bell.
[Note: The following tour dates have been provided by artist and/or tour sources, who verify its accuracy as of the publication time of this story. Changes may occur before tickets go on sale. Check with official artist websites, ticketing sources and venues for late updates.]
July 2008
7 - Oakland, CA - Paramount Theatre
10, 11 - Los Angeles, CA - Orpheum Theatre
14 - Chicago, IL - Chicago Theatre
16, 17 - New York, NY - Terminal 5
Monday, March 3, 2008
No Tour? Robert, no.
I can't not tell you people how pissed I am....
Plant said to nix Led Zep tour
Associated Press

Robert Plant, seen here performing in July of last year, is focusing on his tour with Alison Krauss.
An offer of 100 million pounds was reportedly turned down.
By Randy Lewis, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
3:56 PM PST, March 3, 2008
Robert Plant has said no to an offer of 100 million pounds -- about $200 million U.S. -- for Led Zeppelin to tour, saying he prefers to leave the band's November reunion in London as the final word on its legacy, according to England's Sunday Mirror.
The paper quotes sources close to the band saying that while guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones were supportive of a hotly anticipated Zeppelin reunion tour on the heels of last fall's performance, Plant would rather focus on, among other non-Zeppelin interests, his recent collaboration with Alison Krauss, "Raising Sand," for which the two will be on tour starting April 19 in Louisville, Ky.
The tour stops in L.A. at the Greek Theatre on June 23 and 24 and at the Santa Barbara Bowl on June 25.
According to the report, Plant has nixed any additional performances by Led Zeppelin. "Despite the enormous offer, the decision did not come down to money," the Sunday Mirror quoted an anonymous source. "They always said they would do the one-off show and then see how they felt.... [Plant] has other commitments and is happier looking forward to those."
Plant said to nix Led Zep tour
Associated Press

Robert Plant, seen here performing in July of last year, is focusing on his tour with Alison Krauss.
An offer of 100 million pounds was reportedly turned down.
By Randy Lewis, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
3:56 PM PST, March 3, 2008
Robert Plant has said no to an offer of 100 million pounds -- about $200 million U.S. -- for Led Zeppelin to tour, saying he prefers to leave the band's November reunion in London as the final word on its legacy, according to England's Sunday Mirror.
The paper quotes sources close to the band saying that while guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones were supportive of a hotly anticipated Zeppelin reunion tour on the heels of last fall's performance, Plant would rather focus on, among other non-Zeppelin interests, his recent collaboration with Alison Krauss, "Raising Sand," for which the two will be on tour starting April 19 in Louisville, Ky.
The tour stops in L.A. at the Greek Theatre on June 23 and 24 and at the Santa Barbara Bowl on June 25.
According to the report, Plant has nixed any additional performances by Led Zeppelin. "Despite the enormous offer, the decision did not come down to money," the Sunday Mirror quoted an anonymous source. "They always said they would do the one-off show and then see how they felt.... [Plant] has other commitments and is happier looking forward to those."
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