Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Happy and Healthy Contract

I decided to write this "note", blog, etc. to put something in writing about my current dilemma of "trying" to lose my baby weight (and more). I've had great ideas, we've joined the Y that is basically walking distance from my house, but nothing really has worked. I took on doing my yoga classes once a week and that has sustained itself, but nothing more. I also had the plan to lose the 10 pounds I wanted to by May 11, my 40th b-day, but I still stand 12 pounds over.

I lost about 5-6 pounds (after the initial 20 lost from the pregnancy), but leveled off at 170. It's aggravating and I even swore off getting new clothes, as I thought I'd be back in my old clothes in no time, but I learned quickly that "getting the old body back" will not be the same body. Not in a bad way, but my body is holding "fat" and weight in places it hadn't before.

Nevertheless, I bought a few interchangeable pieces of clothes as the warmer weather is coming upon us, but held off on getting an entire new wardrobe. I am not giving up on my quest as I have seen results in other ways.. I have lost inches and some weight, but again, not where I want to be.

I realized I needed to be held accountable, even if it was just writing this note on a social outlet, and decided to put out there what I'm planning on doing and my options.

If you've gotten this far, thank you. I do ask, if you have read this and support me in my quest, please write a comment at the bottom of this blog. It helps me to know that people are behind me. To hold myself accountable, I'll be writing a status at some point during the day on Facebook when I complete some sort of activity. This usually creates encouragement for me. Here's the plan and what I need to do:

GOAL: Lose 12 pounds by July 1. Feel good to be in a bikini again :)

1. Workout at least 5X per week (min 45 minutes)--work to 6x per week or more. Find times I can actually schedule in calendar.
(Workouts include: Wii Fit, Wii FitPlus, Golds Gym Wii game, Let's Dance game, gym cardio workout-machines, gym workout-aerobics, walk with Jackie/others, power yoga)

2. 50 situps a day minimum.

3. When out walking, etc. do not buy food (drinks are OK if tea or low fat).

4. Reduce sugar in diet slowly.

5. Take out sugary breakfasts 2X per week, each week. Allowed one sugary breakfast a week in the end.

6. Meet with fitness director at YMCA to go over fit program at gym within next 2 weeks (3 free).

7. When walking, increase rate of walking. Add additional loop when possible (around neighborhood or walk farther into town).

8. Look to set up a mom/baby walk once a week to walk with a group.

9. Make sure I have greens at lunch and dinner.

10. Focus on healthy meals, even if they need to be quick.

11. Snack wisely (go for fruits and veggies instead of sugar or processed snacks).

12. Record daily food and activity on the iPhone app I paid for :)

Other things to think about:
1. Buy Sketcher Shape-ups
2. Buy pedometer
3. Consider personal training sessions (discount happening at Y)

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