March. Wow. It's been a while. I've got the bug to at least write something on a bunch of social media outlets, so here you go. My husband is out and it seems that when either I'm out or he's out, the other party gets a lot more done. I find that odd as we are usually doing our own projects from time to time, but there must be something mentally different about being in the house alone (well, and with a baby :).
I've been meaning to write anyway as I just turned 40 on May 11. Most of the time I don't even notice or "feel" any different, but there are times I am reminded, like at the gym or at a live show or if I'm with a younger friend of a friend, etc. I do have to say though, I'm cool with it. I feel good, I'm relatively healthy, and I kinda did my mourning over getting older when I turned 36 and 37. It really was more about where I was in life, and I guess I have come to some sort of acceptance of where I am. Not settling, but acceptance and choice.
I enjoy being a mom. I know it's not my end all be all, but I enjoy it. We have a cool and wonderful daughter and I couldn't ask for more from her. I know she will be successful, awesome, cool and happy. It's my job initially to get her there, but I already see her chill and happy attitude in life.. it's nice and refreshing.
I'm also starting to finally go out and do the things I used to do. As I always do, I castrophized and created that my life would "never be the same" *drama*. Well, I guess it's not, but is it ever really? We just have to plan more and put more energy into going out and doing things. Come to find out, if we really want to do something, it happens. If not, it's doesn't. Saves us some money that way :)
It's been great the past few weeks going to live shows and comedy. The live shows, specifically local ones, really dropped off, but I went a couple weeks ago and it was amazing to be back where I feel I belong. It was fun, even though I was by myself. Pretty amazing.
Last night we saw Bobby Kelly as we always do when he comes thru. He always gives us the VIP treatment and I feel so special :) I will end here with a quick photo. Lots more to say about everything, but I'll be back :)
Me and Bobby Kelly, 6.5.10, Boston
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