Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Name Is Prince.. And I Am More Than Funky!

I just got my Rolling Stone online in my email box and I was almost in tears. The "cover" story includes highlights of the first Prince show from the "Welcome 2 America" tour. That set list had my heart a-flutter.. literally. I just said to a friend, if I had a time machine and could go back.. beg my husband to let me go (that would mean him with the kiddo for a day or so), get tickets and go by myself if I had to.. meet friends I haven't met yet and have the time of my life. I swear I could die happy after seeing this show. I cannot get over it.

POSTED: December 16, 9:09 AM EDT | By Rob Sheffield

Prince's Night of Divinely Inspired Madness

Every now and then, Prince decides to try being a normal rock star. You know, the kind who does a professional arena tour where he plays the hits. But part of what makes him such an eternally fascinating star is that he lives in his own private purple world, even when he sets out to make the house quake. He never surrenders his fundamental weirdness. Like his Minnesota homie Bob Dylan, he knows in his heart that nobody wants a standard greatest-hits revue — the mystique is that on any given night, he might bust out anything.
"Anything" is exactly what he delivered last night, on the opening gig of his rabidly anticipated Welcome 2 America tour, at New Jersey's Izod Center. He had the crowd panting as soon as he hit the stage, rocking a seriously cool black leather trench coat and glitter in his hair. He blazed away on guitar to his new theme song, "Laydown," featuring the immortal words, "From the heart of Minnesota / Here comes the purple Yoda!" At that point, all the crowd wanted was more Prince. So naturally, he fled the stage to make his three backup singers handle the next song by themselves. (They failed.) He's a weird guy, all right.

His voice, guitar, and dance moves kept astonishing. He wailed "The Beautiful Ones" at the piano, as a ballerina in a feathery tutu came onstage to piroutte all around him. "U Got the Look" was an ass-flattening funk jam, featuring a Chuck Berry-style guitar break. He came out in red pajamas to kick off the encore with "Kiss," playing with the lyrics to sing, "You don't have to watch 'The L Word' to have an attitude!" The night ended with a master jam mixing snippets of cult-fave deep cuts — "Controversy," "Sexy Dancer," "Housequake" — along with Chic's "Le Freak." His Purple Majesty was in a remarkably outgoing mood. During "If I Was Your Girlfriend," he even asked the audience to wave their cellphones in the air — and this from the high-strung artist who famously used to ban cellphones at his concerts. But he did all the crowd-pleasing gestures — asking fans to sing along, calling for hands in the air — while shying away from his crowd-pleasing songs. It didn't always work. After saying he wanted to kick it "old school," he abandoned "Uptown" after one verse, then did the same thing to "Raspberry Beret." But a little later, he left the stage again as his backup singers did an interminable version of Sarah McLachlan's "Angel." (As a Lilith Fair nostalgia move, this couldn't hold a candle to his 1996 cover of Joan Osborne's "One of Us.")

The undeniable highlight came at the end of the main set when he torched up "Adore," the slow-burning seven-minute climax from Sign O' the Times. Not only did he do the song all the way through, he did it to death. He let the audience carry the whole first verse, then stepped to the piano, visibly blinking back tears (in the spotlight, of course). He was writhing on top of the piano by the second verse, inviting his girl to burn up his clothes and "smash up my Bentley," then seguing into an extended guitar rumination on "Purple Rain." It was unbelievably great. Do you go to a Prince show for predictable consistency? Ah, no. You go for moments of divinely inspired madness — and last night, he delivered as many of those as a fan could expect.

Set List

"Black Muse"

"The Beautiful Ones"

Medley: "Uptown" / "Raspberry Beret" / "Cream" Medley: "Cool" / "Let's Work" "U Got The Look"

"Shhh" "Angel" (Sarah McLachlan cover)

"Nothing Compares 2 U"

"She's Always In My Hair"

"If I Was Your Girlfriend"




"Purple Rain"


"Sometimes It Snows In April"

"Diamonds And Pearls"

Medley: "All The Critics Love U In New York" / "Controversy" / "Sexy Dancer" / "Le Freak" (Chic cover) / "Housequake"

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Did I mention how hard it is to write every day?

This weekend was crazy. Started out awesome.. great Friday, beautiful weather, etc., etc. Things were going my way. The universe seemed to like me. I was looking ahead to a scheduled, but not so busy weekend. I should have recognized the trap.

I scheduled our Holiday picture photo shoot early this year, like this weekend. I was very proud of myself, calling to get the appointment at the time close to what I wanted at one of the studios close to where we live (versus the 25 minute drive to the mall in the 'burbs). It was all set. I knew what we were all wearing, told the husband, everything was a go.

Saturday morning comes. We are all tired, but in good spirits. Got dressed as if we're going to a Christmas ball and head over to the studio. "We have a breakdown," my husband tells me as I step out of the elevator (we took separate cars due to more of my brilliant planning to get Jackie home for her nap on time). I was perplexed. A breakdown? What could have happened?

"We have you down for tomorrow morning," the manager says. TOMORROW? WHAT? The Universe had turned its back on me.

Come to find out either someone told me the wrong day or my mind played a trick on me once again and I THOUGHT she said Saturday, but it was indeed Sunday. There was no place to fit us in, no cancellations. Oh, one while we were standing there, but at noon. No can do.

Both mornings of my weekend were basically screwed now. I would miss running one of those days due to this craziness not to mention attempting to sleep in. Plus, we were risking Jackie being in a bad mood the next day. I wish I hadn't thought it.

We get thru Saturday, have a good date night (but not such a good movie) and do it all over again Sunday morning--same outfits and all.

I was ready for a good shoot; tried to put things in perspective that we were doing this WAY early so we'd have December to relax, or at least not rush.. or at least not have something else to do.

Ended up the photographer that I was promised wasn't that great. This "manager-type person" supposedly got promoted from the other studio because she was so great. Really? I know it's early on a Sunday and I know your other manager gave me a $50 credit for the problems yesterday, but can you have some personality for my daughter? How about not making me do all the work to get her to smile. I thought we were paying YOU to do that job. Oh, and how about having props that weren't damaged so the pictures would look somewhat professional?

Thankfully we got a few good shots so we could make our Holiday cards elsewhere, but they basically lost over $100 from us due to all these issues. Look, I take responsibility that I may have, probably, made the mistake about the day, but there's no excuse for a child photographer to not have a personality and to make our session not-so-fun.

Luckily that was our last session of our membership so we really made out well on the package, along with the credit I received, but this is why I did NOT want to go to this studio. I should have gone with my gut.

The good news? Our holiday cards are ordered and should be here in a week. I wonder if I'll beat my record of getting our cards out before December 1?

Either way, is that a good excuse on why I didn't write over the past couple days? It should be :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Roller Coaster

Wow. I was just in the best mood! Finally got outside, sun was shining (now it's pitch black 1 hour later), and I was about to get a ton of stuff done.. then.. the dreaded text that DH has to stay late and I have a commitment before he's expected home.

I was going to post this for how I'm feeling.

Now it's this.

HAHA! Have fun!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Written by who knows but this is great!

"Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they
haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it
was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.

I got to thinking one day about all those people on the Titanic who
passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back.
From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.

How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't
suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does
the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?

How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you
watched 'Jeopardy' on television?

I cannot count the times I called my sister and said , 'How about going
to lunch in a half hour?' She would gas up and stammer, 'I can't. I have
clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I
had a late breakfast, It looks like rain' And my personal favorite: 'It's
Monday.' She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.

Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our
headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves
when all the conditions are perfect!

We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Steve
toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet.
We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.

Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and
the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken,
and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of 'I'm going to,' 'I
plan on,' and 'Someday’ when things are settled down a bit.'

When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure
and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her
enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes,
and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and
skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's
just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula
and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and
bought a triple-dip. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I
would have died happy.

Now...go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to...not something
on your SHOULD DO list. If you were going to die soon and had only one
phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And
why are you waiting?

Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the
rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or
gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on
the fly? When you ask 'How are you?' Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores
running through your head? Ever told your child, 'We'll do it tomorrow.'
And in your haste, not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch? Let a good
friendship die? Just call to say 'Hi'?

When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened
gift....Thrown away.... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the
music before the song is over."

To those who are reading this, I cherish our connection and appreciate
all you do. We have some history together.

'Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might
as well dance!'

Monday, November 8, 2010

An Open Letter to...

Me and Dane Cook, November 6, 2010

I considered posting my letter/email that I wrote to Dane Cook early this morning, but within the next moment I decided not to. It's a personal letter and one that he only should read. I will post my thoughts on why I wrote the letter below.. enjoy :)

I find it amazing how shows and people (artists, comedians) affect me. I've seen Dane six times over the years and met him three. Each performance I take away something different. This past weekend the show we enjoyed at Mohegan Sun in CT was one of the best I'd seen. As I wrote to him, I still can't put my finger on why it was that way, but whatever it was, he killed, the crowd loved it and I was back in love with his comedy again.

It didn't hurt that I got to chat with him afterward and give him my personal congrats. He's a great guy, that Dane Cook. He gets a lot of flack about his comedy. I am never sure why. Many people literally hate it--and him. I think a lot of people think he sold out or just uses his looks to rake in fans and fill seats, but in all honesty, if he wasn't good, no one would show up. I know many good looking and charismatic musicians.. you don't see all of them filling arenas every night due to their good looks.

His comedy is different, I guess you could say. He's a storyteller. I happen to like that. I love a lot of different types of comedy from the snip-its of Mitch Hedburg or Steven Wright, to the storytelling of Bill Cosby and Dane Cook. Either way, I give him a lot of props.

The guy works hard. You can't take that away from him and he's humble. I think that's why I love him so much. Not only for his comedy and how he tells it, but for who he is as a person. There's not many people in this world who I consider inspiring--he is one of them. As I was reflecting last night on the handful of people that do inspire me, all of them are quite different. Different ways of being, different careers, but all have many of the same qualities. They are authentic, risk takers and never give up. Most are humble in their ways, passionate about what they do, and in turn, tend to inspire so many other people by who they are. These are people you just want to be around all the time. I'm actually having "withdrawals" two days after the fact as I'm just "hungry" for that energy. That feeling of being totally accepted by a person, loved, listened to.. being in the presence of someone who is present. It's so awesome.

Being with him and some of the other folks the other night reminded me that I want to be that type of person. I'm always fairly hard on myself so who knows? I may be that for some now, but I feel I have a ways to go. I'm definitely feeling the urge to start something new, to find my calling and to re-find the things that truly light me up. Many of those things have been gone, missing, for some time and it's time to get them back.

I will say publicly that I still have a dream to work with Dane on a professional basis. There was a point a few years ago where I was actively pursuing this. I was working with some folks regarding my resume and writing a letter to him to introduce myself not as a fan, but as a person he'd be interested in working with. Nothing ever happened with all that (as in a job), but after I spoke with him Saturday night, all that came flooding back. One small issue is that he's in LA and I'm in Boston with a family, but odder things have happened.

2010 has been some year. I was thinking about that in the car just a few minutes ago and realized, although some of it was rough, my husband, my daughter and I really had an amazing 2010. I wouldn't have guessed that I'd start the year dancing in negative temps on a rooftop in Minneapolis. I also wouldn't have guessed that my husband and I would spend a three day weekend without our daughter at a music festival in Austin, and I definitely wouldn't have guessed I'd be seeing Dane and Al backstage last Saturday, all with huge hugs and fun conversations. I WANT more of that type of stuff. Surprises that come out of no where and hug you.. not the one's that knock you down, but a quick surprise and hug is nice.

I still have a month and a half to create what I want, not only for 2011, but for the rest of this year! I can dream all I want, but action is what will make it happen.. onward and upward, as they say.. here we go.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


No I'm not talking about the show, I'm talking about what I'm filled with :)

I missed writing again yesterday. I was proud of myself on many levels, but totally forgot to write. I was able to get a bit of sleep as my little one is still recouping a bit from her MMR shot. Poor kid. I think I will call her doc tomorrow just to check to see if this excessive sleeping is normal. Or I could just enjoy it and move on :)

I got a 4 mile run in (training for a 10K now) yesterday morning and then got ready to head to CT. Why CT? Well, one of my favorite comics, or two of them, were playing at Mohegan Sun arena last night, Dane Cook and Al Del Bene. I've followed these guys since 2001 and it's been a blast watching them evolve. It also doesn't hurt that I get the VIP treatment just about every time I see them and it's even better when Al is on tour with Dane :) Because I know Al from the small venue level, he's really good to me. I can honestly say that I'm his #1 fan. He will attest to that. Over the years, I've gotten people to listen to his stuff, started fan pages and all that stuff. He's very appreciative. Due to all that, he was able to get my friend and I back stage and it was a blast. I love seeing him and Dane also now knows me by name and it's such an honor. We got to hug, chat, laugh.. just an amazing night.

I will post pics later as I didn't get to upload them yet, but wanted to get this note in before I left.. heading to an in-store performance of a past-local-Boston-musician-now-turned-LA-musician, Bleu. I love knowing these guys for years.. makes me feel oh so important :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


That seems to be the word of the day most days the past few weeks. I've avoided writing, or really put it off, because I've had so much to say and wanted to have the time to write. But as it always happens, I'm either not in the mood, don't have time, am tired, or something comes up. Today seemed like a good day. It's raining, I have some time at home with the little one and I'm feeling energized. Could be that me and that kid slept thru my alarm for this morning's nap so we got 2.5 hours rest. Feels like old times :)

Not sure how much I'm going to write, but there have been a few things on my mind. Mostly, I'm still feeling regrets about Halloween 2010. The weekend itself was fairly busy. I had a nice pasta dinner Friday night at "Bab's" house as I was running my first 5K on Saturday. The run happened in the morning, then went to brunch and just had some downtime at home on Saturday. We were planning on going to something Halloween-y that night, but I was so exhausted from all the training and the actual run that we put it off. Sunday, Halloween, came.. and went. My DH went to the Vikings/Patriots game and was gone all day. I had already said that we weren't going to dress Jackie up that day and trick or treat as she's still too small and I didn't want to end up eating all the candy. In the end, Jackie and I spent time with our wonderful friends (who just happen to be neighbors) and handed out candy to the kids. That night, I had remorse and was really bummed out, mostly because I realized we didn't do much for my favorite holiday or showed Jackie some cool stuff.

Halloween 2009 was great. I was in a few groups with Jackie so I had three outfits for her over that week. It was a blast and I thought that was the start of some fun Halloweens with her over the years. Why this year turned out the way it did, I'm really not sure. I know there were several times I chose not to do things (carve a pumpkin, paint pumpkins, go see the lit pumpkin exhibit in RI, watch the movie "Halloween," etc.), but I didn't think about the repercussions on me emotionally. In all honesty, I had been focused on my race on the 30th and seeing that there was a costume contest scheduled on that day, I thought that would do it. Little did I  know, we weren't able to find out much about it, even when we got to the Y (where the race was held) and so nothing really happened there (other than dressing her up and taking some pictures).

With all that being said, I did reflect and realized something. Now that I'm getting older, but mostly now that I have a kid, most things only happen once. Although I can look ahead and assume there would be another Halloween, why wouldn't I just take what is in front of me now and enjoy it?

I've also been thinking a lot about my age and not putting things off. It's actually good as it's forced us (my family) to do things we may put off "for a better day." I also realized that my husband and I had a habit of putting fun things off a lot even before Jackie was born. We've dated for 10 years (married 7) and we never did the type traveling I wanted to do, didn't go skiing outside of the East Coast like I wanted to do, and a number of other things. As with most couples, we were focused on the next day, month or year.. we were trying to have a baby for about 4 of those years, but it still would have been great if we took on those things so there were no regrets.

Although we can do those things now, obviously it's a bit more complicated and expensive. The best I can do currently is learn from all this and move on. The biggest thing, though, is to be responsible with my sleep, as I know when I get enough I can plow thru anything and actually enjoy it :)

I guess it's time to accept what's so, move on from Halloween 2010 and enjoy the days ahead. For example, we have Thanksgiving plans at one of my best buds house and that should be a lot of fun. We've spent a number of Thanksgiving's with just us so this will be a nice change.

Moving on also means finding (or re-finding) things that I enjoy. It's been put off for way too long. I tend to get reminded of a "talk" from a very powerful leader when I have issues with relationships and regrets. He said to us: "How many of you have relationship issues?" For those in the room it was about 75% of us. He just smiled and said: "Then you don't have big enough problems."

I think it's time to create some big "problems" and find the joy in those for a while. The rest of 2010 and 2011 will be about finding joy and fulfillment in the things that I miss dearly: playing music, dancing, laughing and sun! :) And who knows, there may be some politics thrown in there too :)

Here's to no regrets!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If I Had A Million Dollars...

I received my TwitterMoms newsletter today that included a commenting contest. Seeing that I've thought about this question a lot, I thought I would answer it AND post it here :) It was fun to think about and who knows? I may win a $100 gift card to!

Q: What would you do if you suddenly woke up and had $1 Million?

First, I'd stop myself from fainting. Second, I would check my bank account to make sure the money was actually mine :) After all that, I'd celebrate and do the following!

*Plan an amazing evening and surprise my husband with a limo picking him up from work and bringing us to a great meal (with our new nanny watching our daughter of course :)

*Pay off our mortgage so we could live where we really want to live. Dream big, but live humbly.

*Plan a family and friend reunion and pay for all to attend. Preferably somewhere warm.

*Get myself into law school.

*Meet all the celebrities I've ever wanted to meet and let them know how much they have influenced and inspired my life.

*Open a music school for kids that includes lessons, day care, music therapy.

*Give a large chunk to Save the Music Foundation and other notable charities.

*Literally travel the world (and finally get to participate in the African Safari I've wanted to do for 15 years!).

*Most of all, enjoy life the way I dream life to be.. relax, love and laugh.. a lot :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are You Ready for Some Football?!?!

Ahhh Football Season. How I love thee.. let's not count the ways.

Every year at this time, my husband has that gleam in his eye, huge smile about his face.. and the jerseys come out to play. That's how I know it's Football Season. Well, actually, I know a bit earlier as he watches the draft in the Summer and runs a Fantasy Football League that starts in August, but I mostly know when there's the first Thursday game and he's counting down the days (or minutes) till kick off.

It's always been a mixed blessing for me. I definitely like my "me" time and this extra time has allowed me to do things I wouldn't normally do, or basically I don't have to "ask" to go do whatever it was because he was in front of the TV all day on Sunday watching games. But now, things have changed a bit due to Jax.

For example, last year was interesting. Jax was a newborn and I basically thought I'd be imprisoned here in the condo, forced to watch football on the only TV we have, while waiting to see when she wanted to be fed. It turned out that my DH was more than willing to share time, and in fact, she was  with him upstairs at our neighbors much of the season. (So, yes, people that are anti-TV, my little, baby daughter logged over 100 hours of prime time sacks, but at least Mom got some time to chill out!) Granted she slept a lot of the time, but overall, it was good for everyone.

Fast forward to this year, we now have a full-blown Toddler (yes, the capital T is intentional). She's still awesome as ever, but now, really doesn't sleep 20 hours a day. She's got her naps, but this year will be challenging. Luckily, my DH's best football buddy is also our upstairs neighbor, so that means she's there, or she's sleeping here in our place while he has the monitor upstairs (yup, we have a small place).

In the end, it really says a lot about our partnership and marriage. Rarely do either of us say no to requests and when a "no" does come up, it's discussed. It still may be a mixed blessing and I'll continue to get some of my "me" time, such as tonight. Baby is sleeping, DH is upstairs--I get to write a blog. Not that it wouldn't have happened anyway, but hearing the crickets outside our window on this almost Fall night vs. hearing screaming fans on TV and watching my husband be Jr. Field Ref makes it a much easier environment to write in.

Part of me feels badly by writing all this.. I don't mean to make my husband look horrible in any way. Football is his passion and I'm glad he has one. I've got my own passions (or heavy likes) and 99% of the time I get to do them, even during football season. I am very lucky that I have a man that respects my time and space (seeing that we live in such a small one), so I really can't complain.

Luckily for him though, the Red Sox season is basically over (don't even talk to me about that) so sharing the TV after a couple weeks won't be much of a problem and we won't have to throw down to determine who will watch what at what time. But like I said: "mixed blessing." I'll continue to create "being surprised" at what may come up this season and maybe I'll have that gleam in my eye and smile on my face sometime this Fall, but unfortunately for my DH, it won't be about football :) Sorry, honey!

My Happy and Healthy Contract III

I wrote this August 20 and totally forgot to post it here!

Since July flew by with trips, birthday parties, live shows and just enjoying summer, I realized earlier this month that the fitness goal date I declared was July 1. Not that anyone was keeping track or wondering what happened, but here's the skinny, as it were :)

Main point: I did not meet my goal.

This doesn't "mean" anything, but I do need to declare this. At the time, the goal was doable but aggressive. I know myself well enough to create a more aggressive goal so I at least work at my best to meet it. With all the being said, I'm happy with my results thus far and I've been surprised at myself regarding keeping the goal present and just continuing with the plan—especially running!

I've also found that the Y's "Big Board" of results that Ispoke about before really works for me. Last month, July, was "bad," as I just didn't keep up with the plan. Crazy enough, I still made the board but in the top 40 rather than in the top 5 that I declared back in May.

Here are some of the results (mostly for me, so humor me here). Unfortunately the website can only give me last month's stats and the current month (or this year), so I'll start with July stats. I'll work on getting the other months when I go to the Y next time.

(Fitpoints = combo of activity and cals burned, Fitlinxx awards points)
(Standing = females at my facility only, top 50 listed on board)

Fitpoints = 3863 (Standing = 44 / 84th percentile)
Calories = 4365 (Standing = 39 / 86th percentile)

AUGUST (current as of 8/20)
Fitpoints = 4329 (Standing 18 / 93rd percentile)
Calories = 4908 (Standing = 23 / 91st percentile)

As you can see, I've already done more work this month than I did all last month. After logging all my info, I saw that I've only missed 2-3 days this month doing no activity. This actually works out if I was to do something at least 6 times a week. YEA!

Below are the updates on my plan.

March 25, 2010 GOAL:
Lose 12 pounds by July 1. Feel good to be in a bikini again:)

AS OF 8.20.10:
Lost 7

This did not change unfortunately since my last posting in June. YIKES! Luckily I haven't gained. I HAVE officially gone down a dress size though and am toning like crazy due to running. This is one of the first times in my life I actually like my thighs :)

Lose 5 pounds by October 1

1. Workout at least 5X per week (min 45 minutes)--work to 6x per week or more. Find times I can actually schedule in calendar.

I have not scheduled everything into my calendar, but have found the initiative to go to the Y, yoga, walk, run outside on my own. This in itself a major win and the same as my last posting. I ran twice while on vacation and did my best to walk places, but we also ate a lot (kudos to the Nook burger in MN :). August has been a better month all around.

2. 50 situps a day minimum.

This has not happened. I have implemented a "star program" where I put a star on the calendar each day I do this. It does encourage me, but I may need to get more in the mode of "situps when I think about it" and see how that goes. April I did extremely well with this. Once I got sick in May, it fell off my radar unless I was at the Y or yoga.

This, too, is the same as the last entry. It's not like I don't have the time to do this so I think I have to schedule it or just do it when I think about it. Probably in the afternoon when Jackie takes her nap.

3. When out walking, etc. do not buy food (drinks are OK if tea or low fat).

Drinks are great here, food not. To make my walks worth it, I need to cut out any sweets here.. tough but doable.

4. Reduce sugar in diet slowly.

This I feel I have done. I don't have much of a craving forsugar, but still need to keep an eye on this and keep track a bit more.

5. Take out sugary breakfasts 2X per week, each week. Allowed one sugary breakfast a week in the end.

Took this out completely and had no issues. Still on track with this.

6. Meet with fitness director at YMCA to go over fit program at gym within next 2 weeks (3 free).

I did this in April and found a great trainer there that I connected with. Went twice and still have the last free one to use. I realized the other day at the gym that I still have my third session to use! Will schedule this ASAP at the Y.. hope to go this weekend.

7. When walking, increase rate of walking. Add additional loop when possible (around neighborhood or walk farther into town).

I don't think I have upped the rate of my walking, but have found alternate routes where I do at least 2 miles on any given walk. Many of the 3-4 mile walks include hills.

8. Look to set up a mom/baby walk once a week to walk with a group.

This has not happened, but it hasn't been an issue as far as not having me walk. This summer has also been very hot and long walks are not so doable. My hope is in the fall I'll get together with more folks to do this.

9. Make sure I have greens at lunch and dinner.

Have not had greens/salads for lunch and dinner. Tends to happen once a day.

10. Focus on healthy meals, even if they need to be quick.

This has been tougher as we tend to eat dinner late. "Healthy" to start would be "make at home." Even mac n' cheese at home (we use organic brands) is better than picking up McDonalds. Continually want to make a food calendar but not inspired to do it. Need suggestions on quick, healthy meals. Please post in comments with ideas.

11. Snack wisely (go for fruits and veggies instead of sugar or processed snacks).

Definitely have been focusing on grabbing fruit, granola bars. Making fruit salad more often. Have been focused on low fat/healthier snacks when needed.

12. Record daily food and activity on the iPhone app I paid for :)

I have not been doing this. I think I have felt OK about food and honestly have been eating much less since I was sick. Bad thing is that I'm not eating if I don't find anything good. Need to have some sort of healthy snack list to go by even if I do have to skip a meal.

Things to add:
    * Signup for first 5K!! One listed at Y for October 30!
    * Additional weekly yoga
    * Additional weekly runs
    * Complete my Couch to 5K program on time (doing the program as designed)
    * Consider 5K training program included with registration for Y's 5K

Other things I have added and continued:
    * Tracking on calendar up in kitchen
    * Added "I Just Ran/Walked" app to toolbox
    * Stars for ab workouts
    * Took on volunteering at yoga studio again so have once a week yoga scheduled

Monday, August 16, 2010

Music Alert

I know I haven't posted here in a while.. which basically that posting today means it's a big deal. As most of you know, music is my best friend and keeps me going most days.

Here's my buddy Bleu's new album to listen to.. if you like pop this is for you, if you don't, listen to it anyway :)

  Bleu "Four" by Bleutopia

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Happy and Healthy Contract II


For once in my life, I feel I am doing extremely well with my plan! I haven’t struggled much at all with my eating and working out, and due to the FitLinxx program at the Y where I can track my workouts, I am finding it fun and energizing!

I’m not sure if I mentioned this in my other note/blog, but the Y has a “Top 25” list in different areas where it’s tracked by FitLinxx. The areas are: CV time, weight lifted, FitPoints and days worked out. I first started tracking in April and although I made the list, I found that I was only burning about 200-300 calories each day by walking (e.g., no lost weight). I’m SO happy that I had the FitLinxx program, as an email mapped it all out and I saw it in black and white. If I didn’t have that info, I would have thought my body was just too old or didn’t have the capacity to lose weight! Can you imagine where I’d be now?? When I saw that, it was obvious, I had to work up my CV to get the weight off. Walking was helpful, but it was only keeping me stable.

What did I decide to do? A running program: Couch to 5K. May not sound too crazy, but for me, it surely was. LONG DISTANCE RUNNING? I’ve always told myself I wasn’t a long distance runner.. I figured out this weekend that I did this due to a coach in Middle School telling me that I was more of a sprinter.. there you go. I never even tried any long distance running as I became good at short distance running and relay. Fast-forward 25+ years later, here I am with a bunch of new moms and babies on a 6 mile walk that ended up 8!! I thought I’d be in rough shape the next day, but all I was, was energized! That one walk totally transformed my way of thinking about my body and what it could do (thanks Shari!). Add in getting new running shoes and a new stroller that is designed for more long distance walks and you have a plan for success!

After reviewing a bunch of the 5K programs out there, it was recommended to me by Sue R. to look at the Couch to 5K program. I decided to download the app for my iPhone and found it a lot of fun! I’m on week 3 (out of 5) right now and I’m not having any issues running. I have done 99% of my training on the treadmill, but even my one run outside didn’t cause me any problems. I’m on my way!

I decided to add the 2010 Turkey Trot on my radar as it’s a 5K and I can definitely get trained for November. It would be nice to find something a bit earlier as it can be really COLD in November in Boston, but I’ll do it if nothing else comes up.

FYI, in April, I made 3 out of 4 categories on the Y’s Big Board.. and all in the top 5! I was floored and very proud. In May, I did the same, but all in the top 20 due to my week of illness and doing nothing for 5-6 days. Either way, I’m extremely proud and am learning very quickly what motivates me (not that I didn’t know), but these include:
•    Technology
•    Tracking/Stats
•    Simple entering of data
•    Ease of tracking
•    Music (for runs)
•    A bit of competition (i.e., Y’s Big Board)
•    Clear goals
•    Accountability (this blog)

Below are the updates on my plan and possible changes.

March 25, 2010 GOAL:
Lose 12 pounds by July 1. Feel good to be in a bikini again :)

AS OF 6.6.10:
Lost 7

1. Workout at least 5X per week (min 45 minutes)--work to 6x per week or more. Find times I can actually schedule in calendar.
(Workouts include: Wii Fit, Wii FitPlus, Golds Gym Wii game, Let's Dance game, gym cardio workout-machines, gym workout-aerobics, walk with Jackie/others, power yoga)

I have not scheduled everything into my calendar, but have found the initiative to go to the Y, yoga, walk, run outside on my own. This in itself a major win.

-In April, I went out on a walk almost daily. Realized I was not burning the calories I needed to via FitLinxx tracking. Decided to start a running program in May.

-In May I averaged 4X a week, but was out of commission 5-6 days due to illness.

2. 50 situps a day minimum.
This has not happened. I have implemented a “star program” where I put a star on the calendar each day I do this. It does encourage me, but I may need to get more in the mode of “situps when I think about it” and see how that goes. April I did extremely well with this. Once I got sick in May, it fell off my radar unless I was at the Y or yoga.

3. When out walking, etc. do not buy food (drinks are OK if tea or low fat).
I have been up and down with this. April was great. May not so much, but I did research the calorie, fat, etc. chart with Starbucks and I know the cals for my favorite foods and if I do get something, stick with the low cal/low sugar options.

4. Reduce sugar in diet slowly.
This I feel I have done. I don’t have much of a craving for sugar, but still need to keep an eye on this and keep track a bit more.

5. Take out sugary breakfasts 2X per week, each week. Allowed one sugary breakfast a week in the end.
Took this out completely and had no issues.

6. Meet with fitness director at YMCA to go over fit program at gym within next 2 weeks (3 free).
I did this in April and found a great trainer there that I connected with. Went twice and still have the last free one to use. I got set up on the FitLinxx system and use the machines I would normally use for workouts and circuit. Still have to set up other machines I’m not used to using. Will be setting up my last session with Todd to see if I can get any other pointers. Have considered taking on the training sessions if I stabilize at some point, possibly in the Fall.

7. When walking, increase rate of walking. Add additional loop when possible (around neighborhood or walk farther into town).
I don’t think I have upped the rate of my walking, but have found alternate routes where I do at least 2 miles on any given walk. Many of the 3-4 mile walks include hills.

8. Look to set up a mom/baby walk once a week to walk with a group.
This has not happened. It has been quite difficult hooking up with other moms due to various things. I did have a playdate setup with a friend weekly, but due to other circumstances we did not walk each week. Will ask her again to see if she wants to take on a weekly walk or at least twice a month. Will seek out others as weather is continuing to get better.

9. Make sure I have greens at lunch and dinner.
Have not had greens/salads for lunch and dinner. Tends to happen once a day.

10. Focus on healthy meals, even if they need to be quick.
This has been tougher as we tend to eat dinner late. “Healthy” to start would be “make at home.” Even mac n’ cheese at home (we use organic brands) is better than picking up McDonalds. Continually want to make a food calendar but not inspired to do it. Need suggestions on quick, healthy meals. Please post in comments with ideas.

11. Snack wisely (go for fruits and veggies instead of sugar or processed snacks).
Definitely have been focusing on grabbing fruit, granola bars. Making fruit salad more often. Have been focused on low fat/healthier snacks when needed.

12. Record daily food and activity on the iPhone app I paid for :)
I have not been doing this. I think I have felt OK about food and honestly have been eating much less since I was sick. Bad thing is that I’m not eating if I don’t find anything good. Need to have some sort of healthy snack list to go by even if I do have to skip a meal.

Other things to think about:
1. Buy Sketcher Shape-ups
Bought new running shoes instead.

2. Buy pedometer
Did this with suggestion on model from Mary C.. I love it!

3. Consider personal training sessions (discount happening at Y)
I did consider this and decided to use the 3 free I have first, work on my own and then check back in with myself on goal date.

Other things I have added:
•    Tracking on calendar; up in kitchen
•    Added “I Just Ran/Walked” app to toolbox
•    Stars for ab workouts
•    Took on volunteering at yoga studio again so have once a week yoga scheduled (easy 500 cals burned)

Catching up

March. Wow. It's been a while. I've got the bug to at least write something on a bunch of social media outlets, so here you go. My husband is out and it seems that when either I'm out or he's out, the other party gets a lot more done. I find that odd as we are usually doing our own projects from time to time, but there must be something mentally different about being in the house alone (well, and with a baby :).

I've been meaning to write anyway as I just turned 40 on May 11. Most of the time I don't even notice or "feel" any different, but there are times I am reminded, like at the gym or at a live show or if I'm with a younger friend of a friend, etc. I do have to say though, I'm cool with it. I feel good, I'm relatively healthy, and I kinda did my mourning over getting older when I turned 36 and 37. It really was more about where I was in life, and I guess I have come to some sort of acceptance of where I am. Not settling, but acceptance and choice.

I enjoy being a mom. I know it's not my end all be all, but I enjoy it. We have a cool and wonderful daughter and I couldn't ask for more from her. I know she will be successful, awesome, cool and happy. It's my job initially to get her there, but I already see her chill and happy attitude in life.. it's nice and refreshing.

I'm also starting to finally go out and do the things I used to do. As I always do, I castrophized and created that my life would "never be the same" *drama*. Well, I guess it's not, but is it ever really? We just have to plan more and put more energy into going out and doing things. Come to find out, if we really want to do something, it happens. If not, it's doesn't. Saves us some money that way :)

It's been great the past few weeks going to live shows and comedy. The live shows, specifically local ones, really dropped off, but I went a couple weeks ago and it was amazing to be back where I feel I belong. It was fun, even though I was by myself. Pretty amazing.

Last night we saw Bobby Kelly as we always do when he comes thru. He always gives us the VIP treatment and I feel so special :) I will end here with a quick photo. Lots more to say about everything, but I'll be back :)

Me and Bobby Kelly, 6.5.10, Boston

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Happy and Healthy Contract

I decided to write this "note", blog, etc. to put something in writing about my current dilemma of "trying" to lose my baby weight (and more). I've had great ideas, we've joined the Y that is basically walking distance from my house, but nothing really has worked. I took on doing my yoga classes once a week and that has sustained itself, but nothing more. I also had the plan to lose the 10 pounds I wanted to by May 11, my 40th b-day, but I still stand 12 pounds over.

I lost about 5-6 pounds (after the initial 20 lost from the pregnancy), but leveled off at 170. It's aggravating and I even swore off getting new clothes, as I thought I'd be back in my old clothes in no time, but I learned quickly that "getting the old body back" will not be the same body. Not in a bad way, but my body is holding "fat" and weight in places it hadn't before.

Nevertheless, I bought a few interchangeable pieces of clothes as the warmer weather is coming upon us, but held off on getting an entire new wardrobe. I am not giving up on my quest as I have seen results in other ways.. I have lost inches and some weight, but again, not where I want to be.

I realized I needed to be held accountable, even if it was just writing this note on a social outlet, and decided to put out there what I'm planning on doing and my options.

If you've gotten this far, thank you. I do ask, if you have read this and support me in my quest, please write a comment at the bottom of this blog. It helps me to know that people are behind me. To hold myself accountable, I'll be writing a status at some point during the day on Facebook when I complete some sort of activity. This usually creates encouragement for me. Here's the plan and what I need to do:

GOAL: Lose 12 pounds by July 1. Feel good to be in a bikini again :)

1. Workout at least 5X per week (min 45 minutes)--work to 6x per week or more. Find times I can actually schedule in calendar.
(Workouts include: Wii Fit, Wii FitPlus, Golds Gym Wii game, Let's Dance game, gym cardio workout-machines, gym workout-aerobics, walk with Jackie/others, power yoga)

2. 50 situps a day minimum.

3. When out walking, etc. do not buy food (drinks are OK if tea or low fat).

4. Reduce sugar in diet slowly.

5. Take out sugary breakfasts 2X per week, each week. Allowed one sugary breakfast a week in the end.

6. Meet with fitness director at YMCA to go over fit program at gym within next 2 weeks (3 free).

7. When walking, increase rate of walking. Add additional loop when possible (around neighborhood or walk farther into town).

8. Look to set up a mom/baby walk once a week to walk with a group.

9. Make sure I have greens at lunch and dinner.

10. Focus on healthy meals, even if they need to be quick.

11. Snack wisely (go for fruits and veggies instead of sugar or processed snacks).

12. Record daily food and activity on the iPhone app I paid for :)

Other things to think about:
1. Buy Sketcher Shape-ups
2. Buy pedometer
3. Consider personal training sessions (discount happening at Y)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Daryl and John Issue Statement About T-Bone's Death

March 1st, 2010
Hall & Oates Issue Statement On The Death Of Tom “T-Bone” Wolk


Daryl Hall and John Oates have just issued a statement on the death of their friend and long-time musical cohort, bassist/multi-instrumentalist Tom “T-Bone” Wolk, who died over the weekend of a heart attack.

Daryl Hall: To say that I am shocked is the ultimate understatement. T-Bone was my musical brother and losing him is like losing my right hand. It’s not if I will go on, but how. T-Bone was one of the most sensitive and good human beings that I have ever known. And, I can truly say that I loved him.

John Oates: His character was pure and his unique and quirky personality touched everyone he encountered. His musical sensibility was peerless, any instrument that he touched resonated with a sensitivity and skill level that I have never experienced while playing with any other musician. He possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of styles and musical history which he referenced to support all the artists that he played with over the years. He became our band’s musical director over time leading by example and by the deference and respect that everyone who played alongside him so rightfully accorded him. He made everyone he played with better. So many times when I’m working on a musical passage or part, I think to myself: “How would T-Bone play this” and aspire to his level every time I perform. To this day I always keep one of his “I Love Vermont” guitar picks with me where ever I go and know in my heart that starting today the Heavenly Band just got one of the greatest multi-instrumentalist of all time and that band will from this day forward sound better than they ever have before.

Original post by Michael Alan Goldberg

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Musical Genius Walked Among Us

T-Bone Wolk
T-Bone Wolk

I still can't wrap my head around that T-Bone Wolk died last night.

Although it hasn't been officially announced, friends of his know and it's leaked out onto the internet via blogs, Facebook and other social media. I had my great friend, and fellow Hall and Oates buddy, "Babs" call me to let me know. She told me to sit down as she gave me the news. I felt numb, I couldn't believe it.

I was lucky enough to have met this man a few times. He was gracious, amazing and always had a smile on his face. I was just reminded of when he met a bunch of us fellow fans in Vegas at the Desert Inn. We had a type of fan gathering before the big show and it happened to be that three of the band members came up! He was one of them. We chatted, hung out, autographs were signed.

Then recently, just a few years ago, I met him after one of Daryl's solo shows in Lowell, MA. I caught him outside the venue and got his attention. I thanked him for all his work and dedication and said the show that night was amazing. He said: "Thanks so much! It's great to see you again too (??)!" Just an amazing human being.

I keep thinking about Daryl, John and the rest of the band. His family, friends and all us fans. I'm not sure how the H&O clan will go on without him. He's been around Daryl since 1981. Been a huge force in musical writing, arranging and now with his work from Live From Daryl's House, I'm not sure how that show will continue to move forward without his expertise.

But for now, we will honor the man, the legend he is. My heart and soul are heavy.

Rest In Peace, my friend.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mama Bird

I just realized that I transferred a lot of these posts over to my new "mom blog" at Wordpress but didn't let readers here know!

If you'd like to check that one out, go here.

It's all mom related, just FYI. I'd like to start writing more over here too.. I should probably force myself to stop thinking "mom" all the time.. I still have my interests in music, politics, people, shows, and the like. I guess it's time to post some fun things over here too :)

Feel free to drop me a comment and ask me some questions! That will give me some sort of focus on the flip side :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wow. Well this is quite interesting. Mobile blogging. Signed up for this to see if I'll write a bit more. I wonder if all this will be is a pretty Twitter page? Onward and upward!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Wow, it's still weird to write that.. 2010.. kinda cool, kinda crazy.. thinking that the world even made it this far :)

I'm writing just to touch base for the first time this year. There's a lot to say about Jackie, the upcoming year and such, but so far, January has been a good one. As referenced from the last post, I'm glad December is over. I always get re-inspired in January and take on things I wouldn't take on in December. I guess it's all a mind game, but at least I feel I get a "re-do." I also love even numbers. Go figure.

Will try to write more later, but just wanted to get this down before I head to bed. I have a few goals this year, and more importantly, I have to readjust my mind-set regarding being a mom and how that "looks." I've been connecting with a few more moms in the area, slowly but surely. I have found that staying in the house really does a doozie on my brain chemistry. So that is one huge piece of information I have learned since the Winter started: Get out of the house.

More soon!